Daycare from 0 till 4 years

The most important thing to us is making sure that your child feels safe and secure at our daycare. Because safety and trust are the foundations from which children discover their world, learn through play and make new friends.
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Two kids smiling and looking at eachother at daycare
Childcare practitioner giving 1-on-1 attention to a baby at daycare
Safe and secure at our daycare

Cuddles, reading books together, playing outside, a pat on the head, a plaster after a fall, help when they need it, a compliment when they do well, having fun together: we do everything to make your child feel safe and secure. And we provide a familiar face, for you and your child. That is why we work with permanent childcare practitioners as much as possible, creating a safe foundation for your child to discover the world, learn through play and make new friends.

Working with you

As a parent, you quickly form a bond with your child’s permanent childcare practitioners. Parents and staff work as a team to foster your child’s development. Each child is unique and develops in their own way and at their own pace, so we consider each child individually. We work together to ensure that your child retains their self-confidence, while still being challenged to try new things.

To help us respond to your child’s needs and to ensure that you know what your child has experienced with us, we like to exchange information with you about what is happening at home and at our centre. We make time for this at drop-off and pick-up times, as well as keeping you informed via our parent app. We take lots of photos, write short diary entries and always respond to your questions as soon as possible.

Childcare practitioner playing with toddler focusing on development
Toddlers playing with eachother at daycare
Learning through play with their peers

Once you have chosen Zo Kinderopvang for your child, we take as much time as needed for him or her to settle into the group. This is important for your child, but for you as well. And then the adventure begins. Our childcare practitioners construct a daily routine that suits the needs of each child. With separate groups for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, every child is challenged in age-appropriate ways.

The group spaces, the toys and the activities on offer are also geared towards the interests and experiences of the various age groups. We eat healthy snacks and hot meals together and there’s special attention for children who are celebrating a special event, such as a birthday or the birth of a sibling.

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Challenging activities

Exercising with our special toddler gymnastics teacher, painting like a little Picasso, making music with Casper: we enjoy lots of fun activities together. Sometimes we take time to enjoy the simple things in life: going into the garden to listen to the storm, stamping our feet in buckets of hot and cold water or making gloriously dirty mud soup.

We often go on outings with the children: to the playground in our neighbourhood, to the park, or even the forest. Not just to get some fresh air, but also because the world outside is different. There’s more space and there are other things to experience than what we find indoors. Even visits to places like the retirement home or the florist, for example, are small but special adventures that we experience together.



Children playing outside at daycare
Two children climbing on the wooden playhouse at the outside playground at childcare
Your child’s development is paramount

How does your child feel? Is your child happy? How engaged is your child in their play? We keep a close eye on this. We discuss our experiences with you and together look at how we can ensure that your child feels as comfortable as possible.

Children like to explore and need to be given the space to develop. We give them that space. We offer all kinds of fun and varied activities that challenge children to discover more and more and to continue their development through play.

Would you like to find out more about our pedagogical vision for daycare?



Would you like to find out more about our pedagogical vision for daycare?


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Two children at the outside playing area at daycare. The boy points to something